Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader

Nueva versión, del programa que nos permite leer documentos Pdf de una manera sencilla y rápida y sin costo alguno.

Tamaño: 7 MB

Cambios de la ultima versión (ingles) :

* New Features:
- Verify The Digital Signature
- Enhance Security With ASLR & DEP Support

* Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the issue where Foxit Reader crashes if the headline of the PDF content exceeds 512 bytes.
- Fixed the issue where the ¡°delete¡± option in the right-click popup menu is unavailable when right-clicking the link created by the link tool.
- Fixed the issue where Foxit Reader will pop up two tabs when opening a same PDF file which is targeted by two links, one is created with relative path and the other one is with absolute path.