AutoPlay Media Studio 7.5.1008 Portable x Daniel03
AutoPlay Media Studio 7.5.1008 Portable x Daniel03

Diseña tus propios CD o Archivos Ejecutables con Autorun. Podrás agregar flash, iconos, botones, música, texto y un montón más de recursos para mejorar tus presentaciones como las del colegio, universidad, trabajo, y cualquier proyecto que se te venga en mente. Versión recién salidita del horno muy recomendado!

Size: 37.6MB
Type: Portable x Daniel03
Language: English
Download: From RapidShare

Diseña tus propios CD o Archivos Ejecutables con Autorun. Podrás agregar flash, iconos, botones, música, texto y un montón más de recursos para mejorar tus presentaciones como las del colegio, universidad, trabajo, y cualquier proyecto que se te venga en mente. Versión recién salidita del horno muy recomendado!
Autoplay Media Studio by Indigo Rose Software Design is a popular and award winning multimedia software development tool for visual programming and software engineering. Easily create multimedia AutoRun CD / DVD's, AutoPlay menus and other multimedia software. Perfect for visual database programming, application development, extreme programming, SCRUM and other agile software development projects. This visual software development tool's RAD environment makes programming software faster and eases the software development process. Build multimedia software, business software and application software that uses Windows autorun.inf and autorun exe technology, reducing your software testing burden and increasing software quality. Agile development and the software development life cycle is easier with AutoPlay Studio's rapid application development environment! Simply drop your videos, images, Flash, HTML, music, text and document files onto Autoplay Media Studio's pages and move them into position using your mouse. Once you've got the visual design in place, adding powerful interactivity is a snap. Thanks to our innovative Action Wizard, all it takes is a few quick clicks and a fill-in-the-blanks form. With hundreds of actions to choose from, like sending email, running applications, browsing web sites, controlling video playback and multi-channel audio mixing, it couldn't be easier. Even though it's easy to use, it's also super powerful. Professional programmers use it all the time as a rapid-development alternative to tools like Delphi, C++ and Microsoft Visual Basic. The fast and powerful LUA scripting engine opens up limitless possibilities. With full syntax highlighting, code completion, functions and control structures, it's an exceptionally flexible system. It's the perfect software development tool for software developers, network administrators, programmers, ISV's and anyone creating software or doing software development for Windows.

Size: 37.6MB
Type: Portable x Daniel03
Language: English
Download: From RapidShare
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