Chekear Cuentas de Rapidshare

Yo Lo Uso y Funka de 10!

 *Checks for RapidPoints, Expiration Date, and Security Lock
*Very fast speed when checking
 *Deletes Invalid Accounts
 *Exports all or selected accounts
 *Clean layout
 *Single Account Checker
 *Proxy Option
New! *Use your own account adding format!
New! *Optional Email Checking!

 *22 January 2009 - Custom Account Adding Format(e.g accountid=)
 *24 January 2009 - Optional Email Checking(Can be accessed under "Options")
 *11 April 2009 - Fixed Points Checking for New Layout


Asi te chekea las Cuentas:

Username: xxxxxxx
Password:  xxxxxxx
Expiration Date: xxxxxxx
RapidPoints: xxxxxxx
Security Lock Activated: xxxxxxx
Email: xxxxxxx

Nos vemos!