Wandering IPs v1.1.9 (Geolocalizador de IPs)
Wandering IPs v1.1.9

Visualiza Direcciones de Internet (Wandering IPs) 1.1.9
Software que localiza IPs errantes. las geolocaliza y le permite visualizar sus conexiones TCP en 3D.
Monitoriza las conexiones realizadas a o desde su ordenador, identifica las direcciones IP remotas y a continuación trata de determinar sus localizaciones geográficas.
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Ever thought about visualizing your network connections in 3D environment? Try Wandering IPs, lightweight tool that monitors open TCP connections, identifies remote IP adresses and then determines their geographic coordinates. Results are projected on textured 3D Globe that can be integrated with your desktop background. Apart from locating endpoinds, it can be used to trace the route taken by packets across an IP network. Program utilizes variation of MaxMind GeoLite database which contains over 3,000,000 IP-to-location records and is frequently updated.
GeoLiteCity Database version 4.0887 (updated 01-Apr-2009). To download the latest database execute 'Update Database' shortcut located in your 'Menu Start/Wandering IPs' folder.
PC running Windows 9x, ME, 2000, XP or Vista
Internet connection
128 MB RAM
40 MB free disk space
3D graphic card with at least 32 MB video memory
Wandering IPs does not gather or transmit any informations concerning your internet connections. It does not require external services to operate, as it uses its own database located on your hdd.
Get the latest version of Wandering IPs (1.1.9 released 10-Apr-2009)
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