Va-deam’s Lab Tiger 2.0 Transformation Pack

Va-deam's Lab Tiger 2.0 Transformation Pack makes interefeys Windows in Mac OS. Archive 2 Installer:
Mod Pack - modification of system files.
Stuff Pack - a set of additional programs, covers, the design modifications of popular programs.
ChangeLog shocking!
Introducing the VLT2.0 - significally new Aqua modification pack for Windows XP.
Tiger 2.0 pioneers to use separate packages. In other words you are not obliged to install them all.
Mod Pack - system file modification. No third-party software needed.
The package includes:
31 user account pictures
25 cursors (15 are enabled in theme)
18 font files
20 registry files (10 new settings+10 to restore) - examine carefully
2 screensavers: Flurry (set as default) and Nostalgic
36 sounds (not all are enabled)
2 visual styles Aqua v4 (by default) and Aqua v3 (Panther). Different substyles and font sizes schemes are included.
2 wallpapers
Styler 1.4
Mod Pack features:
50 files added, total amount 220
over 3000 resources
Updated graphics: rare and new icons
sharp and clear lines for 16 and 32 px icons
Extended display settings
Original Safari alpha-blended buttons
Original icons from Apple: iLife'06, iWork ? FinalCut Studio
Reworked shell image viewer
Reworked iExplorer
RDC - 99% of similarity (icons from Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection for mac)
"Smart Folder" for Briefcases
More assistants
new icons for removable media (????? ??????, ??????? ??????????)
new images for power management
Syncronizes your logon screen background with wallpaper.
Stuff Pack
This is a package of additional GUI stuff and requires third-party software to be installed in advance
26 skins and themes
5 third-party applications mods
10 widgets
13 applications
2 plug-ins
3 fonts
Known issues
Bootscreen is not included for compatibility reasons
Thirdparty software systray ans Control Panel icons are not included
only 128px 32 bit for huge icons.
OS: Windows XP
Size: 59.62 MB
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