Aprende Ingles Rapidisimo ! 2
[i][color=brown]Aqui les dejo el tomo 2 del aprende ingles !!!
Espero que se rian tanto como yo !![/i]
Diccionario Spanglish
Frases !
[b]A los piques[/b]: To the stings.
[b]A otra cosa mariposa[/b]: To another thing butterfly.
[b]Abarajame la bañera[/b]: Shuffle my bathtub.
[b]Aburrido como chupar un clavo[/b]: As boring as licking a nail.
[b]Agarrar viaje:[/b] To grab trip.
[b]Agarrarse un pedo[/b]: To grab a fart.
[b]Agarrate Catalina[/b] Catch yourself Catherina.
[b]Aguanta los trapos[/b]: Hold the rags.
[b]Aguante River:[/b] Hold river.
[b]Asado de tira[/b]: Barbecue of throw.
[b]Bancarsela[/b]: To bench it.
[b]Cada dos por tres[/b]: Every two times three.
[b]Cagarse de risa[/b]: To shit of laughter.
[b]Calavera no chilla[/b]: Skull don't shout.
[b]Canto truco (cartas)[/b]: To sing trick.
[b]Chupate esta mandarina[/b]: Suck this tangerine.
[b]Como te baila[/b]: How it dances to you.
[b]Cortarle el rostro[/b]: To cut someone's face.
[b]De tal palo tal astilla[/b]: From that stick, that splinter.
[b]De una: [/b]Of one.
[b]Deja de decir pavadas[/b]: Stop saying turkeyds.
[b]Deja de flashear: [/b]Stop flashing.
[b]Dulce de leche[/b]: Sweet of milk.
[b]Echar un cloro[/b]: To throw a chlorine.
[b]El lobo de la plata[/b]: The wolf of the silver.
[b]El quinto forro de las pelotas[/b]: The fifth lining of the balls.
[b]Ella parece una mosquita muerta[/b]: She seams to be a dead little fly.
[b]Enterrar la batata[/b]: Tu bury the sweet potato.
[b]Entre nomás y tome asiento[/b]: Between no more and drink a chair.
[b]Entrega el marron[/b]: Deliver the brown.
[b]Entrega mamita[/b]: Deliver little mother!
[b]Es al cuete:[/b] It's to the rocket.
[b]Es más boludo que las palomas[/b]: He is bigger balled than the pigeons.
[b]Ese es mi pollo[/b]: That's my chicken.
[b]Estar al palo[/b]: To be at the stick.
[b]Estar de la cabeza[/b]: To be of the head.
[b]Estás bárbara[/b]: You're barbarian.
[b]Estás tan al pedo[/b]: You are so in fart.
[b]Estoy re pilas:[/b] I'm very batteries.
[b]Estuvo flojo[/b]: It was weak.
[b]Estuvo joya[/b]: It was jewel
[b]Haceme la gamba[/b]: Make me the leg.
[b]Hoy toca soledad[/b]: Today touches loneliness. (La cantante boluda esa)
[b]La banda de boca[/b]: The band of mouth.
[b]La concha de la lora[/b]: The shell of the female parrott.
[b]La edad del pavo[/b]: Turkey's age.
[b]La hice concha:[/b] I did her shell.
[b]La llama que llama:[/b] The call that calls. (No se si viste la propaganda de telecom)
[b]La mina esta re fuerte[/b]: The mine is very strong.
[b]La parto al medio[/b]: I cut her in half.
[b]La parto como un queso:[/b] I cut her like a cheese.
[b]La veo cruda:[/b] I see it raw.
[b]La verdad de la milanesa[/b]: The truth of the girl from Milan.
[b]La verdad que si[/b]: The truth that yes.
[b]Le esta pegando un peludo[/b]: It sticks him a hairy.
[b]Le hice la turca[/b]: I did her the turkish.
[b]Le hizo el orto:[/b] He did the ass-
[b]Leche de mi palo[/b]: Milk from my stick.
[b]Mala leche[/b]: Bad milk.
[b]Mamita querida!:[/b] Dear little mom.
[b]Mandarsela a guardar[/b]: To send it to save it.
[b]Mato la onda[/b]: It killed the wave.
[b]Me afane un peso:[/b] I agonized a weight.
[b]Me aguantas dos pesos?[/b]: Can you hold me two weights?
[b]Me chupa un huevo[/b]: It sucks me one egg.
[b]¿Me estás tomando el pelo?[/b]: Are you drinking me the hair?
[b]Me extraña arana que siendo mosca no me conozcas[/b]: It stuns me spider that being a fly you don't know me.
[b]Me gane un palo verde[/b]: I won one green stick.
[b]Me gano de mano[/b]: He won me of hand.
[b]Me hice la rata[/b]: I made myself the rat.
[b]Me importa un cuerno:[/b] It import's me a Horn.
[b]Me importa un pito[/b]: It matters me a whistle.
[b]Me levante una mina[/b]: I lifted a mine.
[b]Me pegue un sorete:[/b] I glued me a turd.
[b]Me pica el bagre[/b]: My catfish itches.
[b]Me saco cagando[/b]: He took me out shitting.
[b]Me saco el saco[/b]: I take off the take off.
[b]Me tenés cansado[/b]: You have me tired.
[b]Me voy a echar un polvo[/b]: I'm going to throw myself a dust.
[b]Menos onda que pelo de ponja[/b]: Less wave than a japanese hair.
[b]Metete un palo en el orto y hace palanca[/b]: Put a stick in the ass and make hand gear.
[b]Mira que pinta:[/b] Look what paint.
[b]Mira que te pego un bife[/b]: Look that I glue you a beef!
[b]Ni a ganchos[/b]: Not even to hooks.
[b]Ni cinco de bola: [/b]Not five of ball.
[b]Ni por puta[/b]: Not by hooker.
[b]No cazar una[/b]: To not hunt one.
[b]No da!:[/b] It doesn't give.
[b]No doy más: [/b]I don't give more.
[b]No hables al pedo[/b]: Don't speak to the fart.
[b]No pasa naranja[/b]: It's not happening orange.
[b]No rompas las pelotas[/b]: Don't break the balls. (Ballbreaker)
[b]No se olviden de Cabezas[/b]: Don't forget heads
[b]No seas tan balin[/b]: Don't be such a little bullet.
[b]No tenes dos dedos de frente[/b]: You don't have two fingers of front.
[b]Nos chupamos una damajuana entera:[/b] We sucked a whole ladyjane.
[b]Nos enfiestamos[/b]: We empartied.
[b]Ojo al piojo[/b]: Eye to the louse.
[b]Papita pa'l loro[/b]: Little potato for the parrot.
[b]Para de mandar fruta: [/b]Stop sending fruit.
[b]Pegame y decime Marta:[/b] Hit me and call me Martha.
[b]Pegarse un sorete (susto)[/b]: To hit oneself a turd.
[b]Pibe cantina:[/b] Boy canteen.
[b]Ponerse en bolas[/b]: To put in balls.
[b]Quedate mosca[/b]: Stay fly.
[b]Que acelga?[/b]: What chard?
[b]Que agitas![/b]: What do you agitate!
[b]Que baranda![/b]: What a handrail.
[b]Que botonazo[/b]: What big botton.
[b]Que buena moza:[/b] What good waitress.
[b]Que buena ortografia[/b]: What good assgraphy.
[b]Que corra la bola[/b]: Make the ball run.
[b]Quedamos asi:[/b] We stay like this.
[b]Que lo tiró![/b]: What threw it!
[b]Que manera de decir boludeces[/b]: What a manner of saying big balled things.
[b]Que manga de boludos:[/b] What sleeve of big balleds.
[b]Que masa[/b][b][/b]: What dough.
[b]Que mina trucha[/b]: What mine trout.
[b]Que nabo:[/b] What turnip.
[b]Que ojete:[/b] What an eye-t.
[b]Que pinturita[/b]: What a little painting.
¿[b]Querés mas hielo?[/b]: Do you want more YELLOW?
[b]Que tipo pesado[/b]: What a heavy type.
[b]Que trompita:[/b] What a little trunk.
[b]Quedarse en banda[/b]: To stay in band.
[b]Quien te dio vela en este entierro?:[/b] Who gave you candle in this burial?
[b]Quiero vale cuatro:[/b] I want worth four.
[b]Se esta poniendo chivo:[/b] This is putting goat.
[b]Se tiró un pato[/b]: He throw a duck.
[b]Sin pelos en la lengua[/b]: Without hairs in the tongue.
[b]Sol de una playa[/b]: Sun of a beach.
[b]Soplame la quena:[/b] Blow me the quechuan flute.
[b]Sos boleta![/b]: You are ticket.
[b]Sos re canchero:[/b] You are very playgrounder.
[b]Sos un boludazo[/b]: You are one big balls.
[b]Sos un panchin[/b]: You're a little hotdog.
[b]Sos un pancho cualquiera:[/b] You are a hot-dog anyone.
[b]Sos un pescado[/b]: You are a fish.
[b]Sos un reverendo pelotudo[/b]: You are a reverend bigballed.
[b]Sos un salamin[/b]: You are a little salami.
[b]Sos un sinverguenza:[/b] You're a withoutshame.
[b]Sos un vivo barbaro[/b]: You are a alive barbarian.
[b]Sos un zapato[/b]: You are a shoe.
[b]Te cago a piñas:[/b] I shit you to pineapples.
[b]Te cante la posta[/b]: I sang you the post.
[b]Te faltan un par de jugadores[/b]: You miss a couple of players.
[b]Te la regalo:[/b] To give it to you as a present.
[b]Te voy a dar el gusto:[/b] I'm gonna give you the taste.
[b]Tener los pelos de punta[/b]: To have the hairs of point.
[b]Tener un pedo fiero[/b]: To have a wild fart.
[b]Tener un pedo que ves torcid[/b]o: To have a fart that you see crooked.
[b]Tengo un gallo en la gaganta:[/b] I have a cock in my throat.
[b]Tirar la goma:[/b] To throw the rubber.
[b]Tomate el buque[/b]: Take a vessle.
[b]Tu hermana es un fierro:[/b] Your sister is a Iron.
[b]Vamos a comer un asado:[/b] Let's go eat an empty.
[b]Vamos los pibes[/b]: Let's go the boys.
[b]Vemos como viene la mano[/b]: We see how the hand comes.
[b]Vemos que onda[/b]: We see what wave.
[b]Vos fuma[/b]: You smoke!
[b]Ya fue![/b]: It went!
Lugares !
Bella Vista: Nice View
Buenos Aires: Good Airs
Caballito: Little Horse
Carabobo: Dumbface
Colegiales: Students
Flores: Flowers
Jose C Paz: Joseph C Peace
La Matanza: The Killing
La Plata: The Money
Lomas del Mirador: The Viewer's Hills[/quote]
Famosos !
Domingo Cavallo: Sunday Horse
Carlos Menem: Black Mother Fucker who fucked all us together
Juan Domingo Perón: John Sunday Big Pear[/quote]
[color=brown]Y aqui se termino el post !!
[b]Primera Parte ![/b] : [url=http://casitaweb.net/post/22275/humor/Aprende_Ingles_Rapidisimo_!.html]http://casitaweb.net/post/22275/humor/Aprende_Ingles_Rapidisimo_!.html[/url]
[i][color=brown]Espero que les haya gustado !!
Desde Ya
Gracias !![]()
13 Comentarios
jaja!! buen post +10 !!
jaja gracias por tu comentario !! y por los puntos xP
Este lo aprendo seguro "Stop Flashing"
2000 puntos xD
quiero la parte 3