Cafesuite 3.49d cracked by Cckteam

CafeSuite 3.49d 2008-07-18
* fixed showing income for reservations in reports
* fixed calculating zero charges for rates when Use only one rate for counting the charge is enabled and Charge independently on previous rate is disabled
* fixed crash when recharging account with no rate and when showing Sell panel with no products
* fixed adding more products on Sell panel with limited privileges
* fixed CafeAgent crash when splash window is enabled
* fixed displaying timebar after resuming time, moving PC or upgrading client
* fixed resuming account time when account is recharged after time is over
* fixed reseting form fields after selecting account photo on Personal information page in account properties
* using periodic rates when recharging time accounts
* added option to exclude product from displaying on the Sell panel as a quck sale button
* added product expiry date field
* possibility to share CafeSuite\Client folder directly from application
* fixed adding points twice for product sales added to session bill
* charging for color printout if no price defined for B&W and vice-versa
* %Charge% variable works also for cash accounts
* selecting account in accounts panel once selected in accounts toolbar
* selecting product in products or sales view once selected in sale bar
* improved columns window (larger, sorting, selection of multiple items, double click)
:mrorange: Ya fue reportado que nod32 2.7 y avg lo reconocen como virus
Pero supongo que sera porque es un crack.... por lo tanto cumplo con compartir el enlace y entre todos lo probaremos. Saludos!
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