Kor .mp4 [hdrip] [subtitulada]

Película: Kor .mp4 [hdrip] [subtitulada] openload (2016)

When her husband Cemal is arrested in Romania, Emine is left alone with their child who needs immediate surgery. She takes a job as a needle worker at a garment workshop where she comes across Ziya, her husband's former boss. He can't stay indifferent when he learns what the woman he once fancied is going through. When Cemal returns months later, he finds Emine working at the garment workshop and their son healthy. A hospital bill he accidentally sees reveals that Ziya has paid for the surgery and Emine hid this fact. Will Cemal, who already blames Ziya for what he went through and is extremely jealous of Emine, be able to confront this situation or choose to ignore it?


Informacion de la pelicula:
Pais: TR
Language: Türkçe
Duracion: 145

Dirigida por: Zeki Demirkubuz
Escrita por: Zeki Demirkubuz
Actores: Taner Birsel Aslihan Gurbuz Caner Cindoruk



Tamaño y Formato de la pelicula:
Tamaño del archivo:   782.31 MB
Formato: Avi
Idioma: subtitulado

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