Two And A Half Men Todas las Temporadas! [1 Link]
Two And A Half Men Temporadas Todas las Temporadas! [DVDRip-HDTV 175Mb] [US][WU][1 Link]

Informacion y Ficha Tecnica
GENERO: Comedia
CREADOR: Lee Aronsohn, Chuck Lorre
ACTORES: Jon Cryer, Conchata Ferrell, Marin Hinkle, Charlie Sheen, Angus T. Jones, Holland Taylor
IDIOMA: Ingles.
SUBTITULOS: EspaƱol (SRT por separado).
DURACION: 30 min.
VIDEO: XviD (624x352px 23.98fps).
AUDIO: MP3 (48000Hz Stereo 32Kb/s).

Octava Temporada
Subiendo.....Actualizando Todos los dias.

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Septima Temporada

7x01 - 818-jklpuzo
7x02 - Whipped Unto The Third Generation
7x03 - Mmm Fish. Yum
7x04 - Laxative Tester Horse Inseminator
7x05 - For The Sake Of The Child
7x06 - Give Me Your Thumb
7x07 - Untainted By Filth
7x08 - Gorp. Fnark. Schmegle
7x09 - Captain Terrys Spray-On Hail
7x10 - Thats Why They Call It Ball Room
7x11 - Warning, it's dirty
7x12 - Fart Jokes, Pie and Celeste
7x13 - Yay, No Polips
7x14 - Crude and Uncalled For
7x15 - Aye, Aye, Captain Douche
7x16 - Tinkle Like a Princess
7x17 - I Found Your Moustache
7x18 - Ixnay on the Oggie Day
7x19 - Keith Moon Is Vomiting In His Grave
7x20 - I Called Him Magoo
7x21 - Gumby with a Pokey
7x22 - This Is Not Gonna End Well
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Sexta Temporada

6x01 - Taterhead Is Our Love Child
6x02 - Pie Hole Herb
6x03 - Damn You Eggs Benedict
6x04 - The Flavin And The Mavin
6x05 - A Jock Strap In Hell
6x06 - Its Always Nazi Week
6x07 - Best H.O. Money Can Buy
6x08 - Pinocchios Mouth
6x09 - The Mooch At The Boo
6x10 - He Smelled The Ham He Got Excited
6x11 - The Devils Lube
6x12 - Thank God For Scoliosis
6x13 - I Think You Offended Don
6x14 - David Copperfield Slipped Me A Roofie
6x15 - Id Like To Start With The Cat
6x16 - Shell Still Be Dead At Halftime
6x17 - The Ocu Or The Pado
6x18 - My Sons Enormous Head
6x19 - The Two Finger Rule
6x20 - Hello I Am Alan Cousteau
6x21 - Above Exalted Cyclops
6x22 - Sir Lancelots Litter Box
6x23 - Good Morning Mrs. Butterworth
6x24 - Baseball Was Better With Steroids
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Quinta Temporada

5x01 - Large Birds Spiders And Mom
5x02 - Media Room Slash Dungeon
5x03 - Dum Diddy Dum Diddy Doo
5x04 - City Of Great Racks
5x05 - Putting Swim Fins On A Cat
5x06 - Help Daddy Find His Toenail
5x07 - The Leather Gear Is In The Guest Room
5x08 - Is There A Mrs. Waffles
5x09 - Shoes Hats Pickle Jar Lids
5x10 - Almost Like Necrophilia
5x11 - Meander To Your Dander
5x12 - A Little Clammy And None Too Fresh
5x13 - The Soil Is Moist
5x14 - Winky-Dink Time
5x15 - Rough Night In Hump Junction
5x16 - Look At Me Mommy Im Pretty
5x17 - Fish In A Drawer
5x18 - If My Hole Could Talk
5x19 - Waiting For The Right Snapper
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Cuarta Temporada

4x01 - Working For Caligula
4x02 - Whos Vod Kanockers
4x03 - The Sea Is A Harsh Mistress
4x04 - A Pot Smoking Monkey
4x05 - A Live Woman Of Proven Fertility
4x06 - Apologies For The Frivolity
4x07 - Repeated Blows To His Unformed Head
4x08 - Release The Dogs
4x09 - Coreys Been Dead For An Hour
4x10 - Kissing Abraham Lincoln
4x11 - Walnuts And Demerol
4x12 - Castrating Sheep In Montana
4x13 - Dont Worry Speed Racer
4x14 - Thats Summer Sausage Not Salami
4x15 - My Damn Stalker
4x16 - Young People Have Phlegm Too
4x17 - I Merely Slept With A Commie
4x18 - It Never Rains In Hooterville
4x19 - Smooth As A Ken Doll
4x20 - Aunt Myra Doesnt Pee A Lot
4x21 - Tucked Taped And Gorgeous
4x22 - Mr. McGlues Feedbag
4x23 - Anteaters. Theyre Just Crazy-lookin
4x24 - Prostitutes And Gelato
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Tercera Temporada

3x01 - Weekend In Bangkok With Two Olympic Gymnasts
3x02 - Principal Gallaghers Lesbian Lover
3x03 - Carpet Burns And A Bite Mark
3x04 - Your Dismissive Attitude Toward Boobs
3x05 - We Called It Mr. Pinky
3x06 - Hi Mr. Horned One
3x07 - Sleep Tight Puddin Pop
3x08 - That Voodoo That I Do Do
3x09 - Madame And Her Special Friend
3x10 - Something Salty And Twisted
3x11 - Santas Village Of The Damned
3x12 - That Special Tug
3x13 - Humiliation Is A Visual Medium
3x14 - Love Isnt Blind Its Retarded
3x15 - My Tongue Is Meat
3x16 - Ergo The Booty Call
3x17 - The Unfortunate Little Schnauser
3x18 - The Spit-Covered Cobbler
3x19 - Golly Moses Shes A Muffin
3x20 - Always A Bridesmaid Never A Burro
3x21 - And The Plot Moistens
3x22 - Just Once With Aunt Sophie
3x23 - Arguments For The Quickie
3x24 - That Pistol-Packin Hermaphrodite
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Segunda Temporada

2x01 - Back Off Mary Poppins
2x02 - Enjoy Those Garlic Balls
2x03 - A Bag Full Of Jawea
2x04 - Go Get Mommys Bra
2x05 - Bad News From The Clinic
2x06 - The Price Of Healthy Gums Is Eternal Vigilance
2x07 - A Kosher Slaughterhouse Out In Fontana
2x08 - Frankenstein And The Horny Villagers
2x09 - Yes Monsignor
2x10 - The Salmon Under My Sweater
2x11 - Last Chance To See Those Tattoos
2x12 - A Lungful Of Alan
2x13 - Zejdz Z Moich Wlosow A.k.a. Get Off My Hair
2x14 - Those Big Pink Things With Coconut
2x15 - Smell The Umbrella Stand
2x16 - Can You Eat Human Flesh With Wooden Teeth
2x17 - Woo-Hoo A Hernia-Exam
2x18 - It Was Mame Mom
2x19 - A Low Gutteral Tongue-Flapping Noise
2x20 - I Always Wanted A Shaved Monkey
2x21 - A Sympathetic Crotch To Cry On
2x22 - That Old Hose Bag Is My Mother
2x23 - Squab Squab Squab Squab Squab
2x24 - Does This Smell Funny To You
Carpeta UploadStation
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Primera Temporada

1x01 - Pilot
1x02 - Big Flappy Bastards
1x03 - Go East On Sunset Until You Reach The Gates Of Hell
1x04 - If I Cant Write My Chocolate Song Im Going To Take
1x05 - The Last Thing You Want Is To Wind Up With A Hump
1x06 - Did You Check With The Captain Of The Flying Monkeys
1x07 - If They Do Go Either Way Theyre Usually Fake
1x08 - Twenty-Five Little Pre-pubers Without A Snoot-ful
1x09 - Phase One Complete
1x10 - Merry Thanksgiving
1x11 - Alan Harper Frontier Chiropractor
1x12 - Camel Filters Pheromones
1x13 - Sara Like Puny Alan
1x14 - I Cant Afford Hyenas
1x15 - Round One To The Hot Crazy Chick
1x16 - That Was Saliva Alan
1x17 - Ate The Hamburgers Wearing The Hats
1x18 - An Old Flame With A New Wick
1x19 - I Remember The Coatroom I Just Dont Remember You
1x20 - Hey I Can Pee Outside In The Dark
1x21 - No Sniffing No Wowing
1x22 - My Doctor Has A Cow Puppet
1x23 - Just Like Buffalo
1x24 - Can You Feel My Finger
Carpeta UploadStation
Carpeta Wupload

Informacion y Ficha Tecnica
GENERO: Comedia
CREADOR: Lee Aronsohn, Chuck Lorre
ACTORES: Jon Cryer, Conchata Ferrell, Marin Hinkle, Charlie Sheen, Angus T. Jones, Holland Taylor
IDIOMA: Ingles.
SUBTITULOS: EspaƱol (SRT por separado).
DURACION: 30 min.
VIDEO: XviD (624x352px 23.98fps).
AUDIO: MP3 (48000Hz Stereo 32Kb/s).

Octava Temporada
Subiendo.....Actualizando Todos los dias.

Carpeta UploadStation
Carpeta Wupload

Septima Temporada

7x01 - 818-jklpuzo
7x02 - Whipped Unto The Third Generation
7x03 - Mmm Fish. Yum
7x04 - Laxative Tester Horse Inseminator
7x05 - For The Sake Of The Child
7x06 - Give Me Your Thumb
7x07 - Untainted By Filth
7x08 - Gorp. Fnark. Schmegle
7x09 - Captain Terrys Spray-On Hail
7x10 - Thats Why They Call It Ball Room
7x11 - Warning, it's dirty
7x12 - Fart Jokes, Pie and Celeste
7x13 - Yay, No Polips
7x14 - Crude and Uncalled For
7x15 - Aye, Aye, Captain Douche
7x16 - Tinkle Like a Princess
7x17 - I Found Your Moustache
7x18 - Ixnay on the Oggie Day
7x19 - Keith Moon Is Vomiting In His Grave
7x20 - I Called Him Magoo
7x21 - Gumby with a Pokey
7x22 - This Is Not Gonna End Well
Carpeta UploadStation
Carpeta Wupload

Sexta Temporada

6x01 - Taterhead Is Our Love Child
6x02 - Pie Hole Herb
6x03 - Damn You Eggs Benedict
6x04 - The Flavin And The Mavin
6x05 - A Jock Strap In Hell
6x06 - Its Always Nazi Week
6x07 - Best H.O. Money Can Buy
6x08 - Pinocchios Mouth
6x09 - The Mooch At The Boo
6x10 - He Smelled The Ham He Got Excited
6x11 - The Devils Lube
6x12 - Thank God For Scoliosis
6x13 - I Think You Offended Don
6x14 - David Copperfield Slipped Me A Roofie
6x15 - Id Like To Start With The Cat
6x16 - Shell Still Be Dead At Halftime
6x17 - The Ocu Or The Pado
6x18 - My Sons Enormous Head
6x19 - The Two Finger Rule
6x20 - Hello I Am Alan Cousteau
6x21 - Above Exalted Cyclops
6x22 - Sir Lancelots Litter Box
6x23 - Good Morning Mrs. Butterworth
6x24 - Baseball Was Better With Steroids
Carpeta UploadStation
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Quinta Temporada

5x01 - Large Birds Spiders And Mom
5x02 - Media Room Slash Dungeon
5x03 - Dum Diddy Dum Diddy Doo
5x04 - City Of Great Racks
5x05 - Putting Swim Fins On A Cat
5x06 - Help Daddy Find His Toenail
5x07 - The Leather Gear Is In The Guest Room
5x08 - Is There A Mrs. Waffles
5x09 - Shoes Hats Pickle Jar Lids
5x10 - Almost Like Necrophilia
5x11 - Meander To Your Dander
5x12 - A Little Clammy And None Too Fresh
5x13 - The Soil Is Moist
5x14 - Winky-Dink Time
5x15 - Rough Night In Hump Junction
5x16 - Look At Me Mommy Im Pretty
5x17 - Fish In A Drawer
5x18 - If My Hole Could Talk
5x19 - Waiting For The Right Snapper
Carpeta UploadStation
Carpeta Wupload

Cuarta Temporada

4x01 - Working For Caligula
4x02 - Whos Vod Kanockers
4x03 - The Sea Is A Harsh Mistress
4x04 - A Pot Smoking Monkey
4x05 - A Live Woman Of Proven Fertility
4x06 - Apologies For The Frivolity
4x07 - Repeated Blows To His Unformed Head
4x08 - Release The Dogs
4x09 - Coreys Been Dead For An Hour
4x10 - Kissing Abraham Lincoln
4x11 - Walnuts And Demerol
4x12 - Castrating Sheep In Montana
4x13 - Dont Worry Speed Racer
4x14 - Thats Summer Sausage Not Salami
4x15 - My Damn Stalker
4x16 - Young People Have Phlegm Too
4x17 - I Merely Slept With A Commie
4x18 - It Never Rains In Hooterville
4x19 - Smooth As A Ken Doll
4x20 - Aunt Myra Doesnt Pee A Lot
4x21 - Tucked Taped And Gorgeous
4x22 - Mr. McGlues Feedbag
4x23 - Anteaters. Theyre Just Crazy-lookin
4x24 - Prostitutes And Gelato
Carpeta UploadStation
Carpeta Wupload

Tercera Temporada

3x01 - Weekend In Bangkok With Two Olympic Gymnasts
3x02 - Principal Gallaghers Lesbian Lover
3x03 - Carpet Burns And A Bite Mark
3x04 - Your Dismissive Attitude Toward Boobs
3x05 - We Called It Mr. Pinky
3x06 - Hi Mr. Horned One
3x07 - Sleep Tight Puddin Pop
3x08 - That Voodoo That I Do Do
3x09 - Madame And Her Special Friend
3x10 - Something Salty And Twisted
3x11 - Santas Village Of The Damned
3x12 - That Special Tug
3x13 - Humiliation Is A Visual Medium
3x14 - Love Isnt Blind Its Retarded
3x15 - My Tongue Is Meat
3x16 - Ergo The Booty Call
3x17 - The Unfortunate Little Schnauser
3x18 - The Spit-Covered Cobbler
3x19 - Golly Moses Shes A Muffin
3x20 - Always A Bridesmaid Never A Burro
3x21 - And The Plot Moistens
3x22 - Just Once With Aunt Sophie
3x23 - Arguments For The Quickie
3x24 - That Pistol-Packin Hermaphrodite
Carpeta UploadStation
Carpeta Wupload

Segunda Temporada

2x01 - Back Off Mary Poppins
2x02 - Enjoy Those Garlic Balls
2x03 - A Bag Full Of Jawea
2x04 - Go Get Mommys Bra
2x05 - Bad News From The Clinic
2x06 - The Price Of Healthy Gums Is Eternal Vigilance
2x07 - A Kosher Slaughterhouse Out In Fontana
2x08 - Frankenstein And The Horny Villagers
2x09 - Yes Monsignor
2x10 - The Salmon Under My Sweater
2x11 - Last Chance To See Those Tattoos
2x12 - A Lungful Of Alan
2x13 - Zejdz Z Moich Wlosow A.k.a. Get Off My Hair
2x14 - Those Big Pink Things With Coconut
2x15 - Smell The Umbrella Stand
2x16 - Can You Eat Human Flesh With Wooden Teeth
2x17 - Woo-Hoo A Hernia-Exam
2x18 - It Was Mame Mom
2x19 - A Low Gutteral Tongue-Flapping Noise
2x20 - I Always Wanted A Shaved Monkey
2x21 - A Sympathetic Crotch To Cry On
2x22 - That Old Hose Bag Is My Mother
2x23 - Squab Squab Squab Squab Squab
2x24 - Does This Smell Funny To You
Carpeta UploadStation
Carpeta Wupload

Primera Temporada

1x01 - Pilot
1x02 - Big Flappy Bastards
1x03 - Go East On Sunset Until You Reach The Gates Of Hell
1x04 - If I Cant Write My Chocolate Song Im Going To Take
1x05 - The Last Thing You Want Is To Wind Up With A Hump
1x06 - Did You Check With The Captain Of The Flying Monkeys
1x07 - If They Do Go Either Way Theyre Usually Fake
1x08 - Twenty-Five Little Pre-pubers Without A Snoot-ful
1x09 - Phase One Complete
1x10 - Merry Thanksgiving
1x11 - Alan Harper Frontier Chiropractor
1x12 - Camel Filters Pheromones
1x13 - Sara Like Puny Alan
1x14 - I Cant Afford Hyenas
1x15 - Round One To The Hot Crazy Chick
1x16 - That Was Saliva Alan
1x17 - Ate The Hamburgers Wearing The Hats
1x18 - An Old Flame With A New Wick
1x19 - I Remember The Coatroom I Just Dont Remember You
1x20 - Hey I Can Pee Outside In The Dark
1x21 - No Sniffing No Wowing
1x22 - My Doctor Has A Cow Puppet
1x23 - Just Like Buffalo
1x24 - Can You Feel My Finger
Carpeta UploadStation
Carpeta Wupload
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