el sxe no me deja entrar al counter
2 17:39:22 - Win XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 3)
2011/04/22 17:39:22 - version: 11.7
2011/04/22 17:39:23 - open [77BFF566]
2011/04/22 17:39:23 - Platform: x86 detected
2011/04/22 17:39:23 - Starting Device Driver
2011/04/22 17:39:23 - service [C:\Archivos de programa\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]
2011/04/22 17:39:23 - Open manager OK
2011/04/22 17:39:24 - Create Service OK
2011/04/22 17:39:24 - Start Service OK
2011/04/22 17:39:24 - Service ready
2011/04/22 17:39:24 - Trying to open device[1]...
2011/04/22 17:39:24 - Service Handle OK
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [35][7C91D1AE]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [32][7C91D17E]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [115][7C91DFAE]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [74][7C91D59E]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [AD][7C91D92E]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [7A][7C91D5FE]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [D5][7C91DBAE]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [89][7C91D6EE]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [FE][7C91DE3E]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [BA][7C91D9FE]
2011/04/22 17:39:27 - Waiting for game...
2011/04/22 17:39:35 - Proceso [explorer.exe](3736) injecting on PID (5640) -> (ALLOW)[1]
2011/04/22 17:39:38 - ERROR: Control-code time-out: inconsistent information
2011/04/22 17:39:38 - ERROR: [RapportPG.sys - ]
2011/04/22 17:39:38 - Intercepting error
2011/04/22 17:39:38 - sXe Injected will close
2011/04/22 17:39:38 - * Sending shutdown
2011/04/22 17:39:38 - * Termination
2011/04/22 17:39:40 - * Cleaning
2011/04/22 17:39:40 - * Stoping service
2011/04/22 17:39:40 - * Service stopped
2011/04/22 17:39:40 - * Service deleted
Diganme como hago tengo el avg le pregunte a *******CS y no me dicen una mierd* ahora les pegunto a ustedes que son mas pros (?
Diganme que hace ua semana me pague el admin y no me deja entrar el put* sxe !!!
2011/04/22 17:39:22 - version: 11.7
2011/04/22 17:39:23 - open [77BFF566]
2011/04/22 17:39:23 - Platform: x86 detected
2011/04/22 17:39:23 - Starting Device Driver
2011/04/22 17:39:23 - service [C:\Archivos de programa\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]
2011/04/22 17:39:23 - Open manager OK
2011/04/22 17:39:24 - Create Service OK
2011/04/22 17:39:24 - Start Service OK
2011/04/22 17:39:24 - Service ready
2011/04/22 17:39:24 - Trying to open device[1]...
2011/04/22 17:39:24 - Service Handle OK
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [35][7C91D1AE]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [32][7C91D17E]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [115][7C91DFAE]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [74][7C91D59E]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [AD][7C91D92E]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [7A][7C91D5FE]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [D5][7C91DBAE]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [89][7C91D6EE]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [FE][7C91DE3E]
2011/04/22 17:39:26 - [BA][7C91D9FE]
2011/04/22 17:39:27 - Waiting for game...
2011/04/22 17:39:35 - Proceso [explorer.exe](3736) injecting on PID (5640) -> (ALLOW)[1]
2011/04/22 17:39:38 - ERROR: Control-code time-out: inconsistent information
2011/04/22 17:39:38 - ERROR: [RapportPG.sys - ]
2011/04/22 17:39:38 - Intercepting error
2011/04/22 17:39:38 - sXe Injected will close
2011/04/22 17:39:38 - * Sending shutdown
2011/04/22 17:39:38 - * Termination
2011/04/22 17:39:40 - * Cleaning
2011/04/22 17:39:40 - * Stoping service
2011/04/22 17:39:40 - * Service stopped
2011/04/22 17:39:40 - * Service deleted
Diganme como hago tengo el avg le pregunte a *******CS y no me dicen una mierd* ahora les pegunto a ustedes que son mas pros (?
Diganme que hace ua semana me pague el admin y no me deja entrar el put* sxe !!!
7 Comentarios
pensa q no lo ise ? XD
PD: si no te anda esto reinstala el conter
me llega a funcionar esto y sos mi nuevo dios
ya soy tu dios igual