National Geographic Big Bigger Biggest Airports [HDTV V.O.]

National Geographic Big Bigger Biggest Airports HDTV XviD-ViLD

REL.DATE......: 20/01-2011
SiZE..........: 350 MB
DURATiON......: 47 Min 13 Sec
FORMAT........: 16:9
RESOLUTiON....: 624x352 @ 25FPS

London’s Heathrow Airport is the world’s busiest and home to one of the tallest terminals – T5. NGC reveals how ingenious breakthroughs enabled engineers to build the super structure. With its enormous free span roof, automated baggage system and robotic vehicles, T5 can feed 30 million passengers through Heathrow. Using CGI animation and on-location filming, you’ll see the stunning innovations that changed airports forever and enabled them to grow – from big to bigger to biggest.

National Geographic Big Bigger Biggest Airports HDTV XviD-ViLD